Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.
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Many patients who died of TB here were not obviously ready to go on to the other side for whatever reason. Many are still hoping to go home, cured of the disease.
Medical staff sometimes caught T.B. from their patients, and died as well.
A nurse is said to hung herself on the very top floor. Some say that she was having an affair with one of the doctors, and was pregnant.
Also joining them are probably some victims of the geriatric wards. Some inadvertently died from the common use of electric shock, to calm people suffering with mental problems because of dementia, Alzheimer's and other difficult behaviors resulting from the aging process and brain deterioration.
1) Apparitions and shadow people are common sightings on the various floors, the craft auditorium and hallway, the cafeteria.
The Fourth Floor Shadow People:
* The highlight of the tour for Tom and I, and the other people in our group was our trip up to the very dark fourth floor, where we stood in the blackness. A brave volunteer went down to the very end of the hall. We saw a shadow person appear right next to the volunteer. We all jumped when the door suddenly banged shut!
* It seems that the shadow people on this floor are very protective of their space. Our guide told the The story of 3 young teens who broke into the building, and headed for the fourth floor. They found themselves surrounded by shadow people, who also held the door to the floor closed so they couldn't escape. They were finally rescued by the building's guards.
Shadow People at large:
* Shadow People are seen a lot in the dark hallways, in the rooms, moving down the hallways, stopping to look at the living. Sometimes they appear as full apparitions. Sometimes just a pair or two of eyeballs appear.
* Another young boy, a shadow child known as Timmy by paranormal investigators is agreeable, bold not afraid to come close.
Apparitions seen throughout the building, Cafeteria and Third Floor:
* A young girl in a blue dress with matted hair & no eyes, who is carrying a round object has been seen as an apparition, and has shown up in pictures taken by photographers, and paranormal investigators.
* Another apparition of a young boy carrying a leather ball has also been seen and has shown up in pictures. He is seen with a man apparition, all on the third floor.
* Apparitions have been seen looking out the windows.
* Our guide told us the The story of what happened to her after they had just purchased the building and were standing in a large room on the first floor. When an apparition in a white uniform began to materialize, the living hightailed it out of the building, not wanting to meet an entity just yet.
* On the very top of the building, where the patients with TB in their brains were housed, one ghost hunter described seeing a pair of legs walking through the room in the film we saw at the beginning of the tour.
2) Other Paranormal Signs
* Investigators have found shoe and foot prints in the shower room.
* The living feel touches, tuggings from unseen presences and being brushed by a ghost dog, pet of a transient?
* Some people were pushed by an unseen presence, a grumpy entity who was probably a geriatric patient wanting some space.
* People experience the feeling of being watched, not being alone in a room.
* Freezing cold spots - One such spot is in the old morgue, where bodies were drained of blood to lessen the chance of infection for the people receiving the bodies at the other end of the tunnel.
* Recorded EVPs - All interesting stuff!
Yes indeed, in a huge way! On September 24th, 2005 several Paranormal Investigation groups went on a ghost hunt/readings gathering session in the early morning hours, 12:15 - 6:00 AM.
The Louisville Ghost Hunters Society * Paranormal Activity Investigators
Waverly Hills Sanitorium web site - Check out the links for more details.
The entities are more than willing to be photographed, accompany visitors who tour the old hospital and will talk on the EVP readings. This building has so much documentation of the entities who exist here that Paranormal Conventions are held here. Besides the Ghost tours, a movie was filmed here. All money raised here goes toward the renovation projects in the works.
Reservation required for ALL Guided Tours & Paranormal Investigations. No one is allowed on the property without a reservation. Call: (502) 933-2142 Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. to make your reservations. (Lunch form 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm). If you call during office hours & there is no answer, we are probably helping another customer. Please call back during regular office hours.
How to get to Waverly Hills for your scheduled Guided Tour or Paranormal Investigation...
GPS: 4301 East Pages Lane, Louisville Ky. 40272
This will bring you to: Bobby Nichols Golf Course. Turn into the golf course follow the road until you come to a gate that states NO TRESPASSING. We will open the gate about 15 minutes before your scheduled guided tour or investigation time. The gate will close 15 minutes after your scheduled tour or investigation time. Please try to be here on time. Thank You!
We look forward to your visit with us here at Waverly Hills.
Tour approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
One Sunday Each Month in March - August.
Begins at 2:30 pm ET. No one under 7 years of age permitted. Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Tour approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
Friday and Saturday Nights in March - August.
Start times vary. There will be other tour groups in the building but no other guest will be add to your group. Under 7 not permitted. Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Tour approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
Friday and Saturday Nights in March - August.
Start times vary. Under 10 not permitted.Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Saturday Nights (12AM - 8AM) in March - August.
You MUST be 18 (ID required).
Friday Nights (12AM - 4AM) in March - August.
You MUST be 18 (ID required)
Requires a minimum of 20 guests or equivalent fee.
Sundays - Thursdays (12AM - 4AM) in March - August.
Must be a least one person in group 21 years of age or older. We suggest that no one under the age of 10 participate. No one under 7 allowed.
Requires a minimum of 10 guests or equivalent fee.
Sundays - Thursdays (8PM - 4AM) in March - August.
Must be a least one person in group 21 years of age or older. We suggest that no one under the age of 10 participate. No one under 7 allowed.
Private Investigations have the possibility for a earlier start time. You can ask about this when you make your reservation.
You pay for your Tour or Investigation when you make your reservation. We accept Visa and MasterCard.
WE DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS FOR ANY REASON. PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE TOUR RULES FROM THE LINK ABOVE BEFORE BOOKING! - Please call us to book your Guided Tour or Paranormal Investigation! 502-933-2142
Our office days and hours for calling in and making reservations are: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. ET (Office closed from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST each day) Waverly is Private property. There is NO PUBLIC access without a guided tour or a paranormal investigation reservation.
The office is not open for any
Mailing: 4400 Paralee Drive, Louisville, KY 40272
GPS: 4301 East Pages Lane, Louisville KY 40272
This address will bring you to the Bobby Nichols Golf Course.To get to Waverly Hills you turn into the golf course & follow the road until you come to a gate, there will be signs that state No Trespassing. This is the gate you come to for your scheduled tour or investigation. Someone will let you in on your allotted time.
We Thank You for your interest in HELPING US SAVE WAVERLY!
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