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About Us
This glorious 1927 brick, 4 story, 68 room luxury hotel is described as "a haven for sophisticated guests seeking a sense of pampered well being." It was built to attract the summer traveler looking for relief from the sizzling hot weather which is a mainstay every summer in the Valley of the Sun, where such cities as Phoenix and Scottsdale are located. Prescott enjoys cooler weather which makes it the perfect location to have such an inviting place to find a reprieve from hot temperatures, 100 degrees and more!
Stepping into the lobby is like going back into time to 1927. The rather large lobby/sitting room has lovely hand-painted ceilings, a large fireplace, and many comfortable chairs and other early 20th century furniture. The main dining rooms are off to the left of this room. At the north end of this stately room is the staircase leading up to the second, 3rd, & fourth floor. The fourth floor houses the very haunted Grand Balcony Suite 426.
Shortly after the Hassayampa Inn opened in 1927, a young, newly married couple checked into the hotel for a romantic honeymoon in the Grand Balcony Suite on the fourth floor, 426. That same evening, the husband left his young wife, Faith, to go out to buy some smokes. He either met foul play or decided to take off, leaving his new bride alone and distraught. Three days of being alone took a toll on Faith and she hung herself from the balcony, in clear sight of Gurley Street.
Faith wanders throughout the inn, making her presence known and is seen by the living on occasion.
When the kitchen staff feel her presence, all the burners on the stove go out at once. Faith has also been known to eavesdrop on conversations in the kitchen, and has let the living know if she doesn't like what is being said. She has knocked a full coffee cup on the woman holding it when the woman mentioned she was going to the library to find out more about Faith. Faith may have some issues with strangers finding out about how she died.
Around and About:
Faith has been seen floating down a hallway wearing a pink gown, disappearing through doors into various rooms.
Faith has startled people by appearing at the end of their beds, crying and holding flowers.
The Grand Balcony Suite, 426:
Faith's favorite place to be is of course the Grand Balcony Suite, 426:
A hotel employee was in the hallway right outside of the Grand Balcony Suite, 426, and was surprised when a wreath hanging on the door suddenly flew off the door after being knocked off by a loud pounding, coming from within the room. He quickly opened the door but no one living was inside.
One couple who were spending the night in the Grand Balcony Suite, 426 were rudely awakened at 3 AM when the radio and TV turned on by themselves at full blast. The couple also found that the lights were turned on and water faucets in the bathroom were running.
Yes indeed!
Faith has made herself at home in this grand place and who can blame her! She is the entity guest, who still waits for her husband to return and mourns his sudden departure, while getting some chuckles and attention from the living, who accept her as part of the hotel.
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