
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

Zombie Taco Chicago, IL
Welcome to Zombie Taco, the ultimate taco destination nestled in the vibrant city of Chicago's River North district! Prepare to embark on a culinary journey like no other as you explore our eclectic menu bursting with innovative taco creations.

From dawn till dusk, Zombie Taco is ready to satisfy your cravings with an enticing selection of tacos that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more. Whether you're fueling up for a busy day ahead or unwinding after a night out on the town, our doors open daily at 7 a.m., welcoming you to indulge in the flavors of our signature tacos.

But Zombie Taco is more than just a place to grab a bite—it's a celebration of life, flavor, and community. So gather your friends, family, or colleagues and let us cater your next group event or office gathering with our delectable tacos and mouthwatering guacamole.

Located in the heart of Chicago, Zombie Taco invites you to embrace the unexpected, live a little, and savor every moment. Join us and let our tacos give you something to taco 'bout—it's an experience that's sure to leave you craving more!

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