
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

Welcome to The Haunted Hike – an adrenaline-pumping adventure that beckons thrill-seekers to embark on a spine-chilling journey just a short drive from Edmonton. Open exclusively on weekends, this hair-raising haunt has been occupying a colossal warehouse since 2012, transforming it into a nerve-wracking labyrinth of terror.

The Haunted Hike is not for the faint of heart; it's a heart-pounding experience that has become a rite of passage for those daring enough to venture into the unknown. The team behind this haunted extravaganza has honed their craft over the years, seamlessly blending suspense, expertly crafted special effects, and just the right amount of gore to create an atmosphere that's both terrifying and exhilarating.

As you step inside, be prepared to have your senses assaulted by the eerie sounds, ominous shadows, and unexpected surprises lurking around every corner. The Haunted Hike promises a rollercoaster of emotions, from spine-tingling anticipation to heart-stopping moments that will leave you questioning what's real and what's part of the carefully orchestrated nightmare.

Whether you're a horror enthusiast or just seeking a unique and unforgettable experience, The Haunted Hike is the go-to destination for a night of screams and thrills. Gather your bravest friends, summon your courage, and check out this macabre masterpiece that has solidified its place as a must-visit haunt for Albertans with a taste for the twisted. It's not just a haunted house; it's an immersive journey into the realms of horror that will linger in your nightmares long after you've escaped its clutches. Are you ready to face your deepest fears? Step into the darkness at The Haunted Hike – if you dare.

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