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About Us

Terror Garage Haunted House

Welcome to Terror Garage Haunted House, where fear meets philanthropy in a chillingly delightful fusion! Nestled in the heart of Manitoba, this spine-tingling attraction beckons thrill-seekers and horror aficionados alike to experience an evening of terror for a worthy cause.

Prepare to step into a world where nightmares come to life, as Terror Garage Haunted House offers an immersive and hair-raising journey through a labyrinth of frights. From eerie corridors to dimly lit rooms, every corner is infused with an air of suspense and dread, guaranteed to send shivers down your spine.

But there's more to this haunt than meets the eye. While admission is free, Terror Garage gratefully accepts donations for charity, ensuring that your screams serve a greater purpose. With each contribution, you're not only supporting a local cause but also fueling the spirit of giving in our community.

Led by a passionate team of volunteers, this haunted house is a labor of love, meticulously crafted to deliver an unforgettable experience while making a positive impact on those in need. Whether you're navigating through ghastly specters or confronting your deepest fears, know that your presence here helps make a difference.

So, gather your courage, rally your friends, and embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of terror and generosity at Terror Garage Haunted House. Dare to enter, and leave with more than just a few goosebumps – leave with the satisfaction of knowing you've contributed to something truly meaningful.

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