Ticket Information
No hayrides. No escape. No mercy.Dreadwood is an isolated forest outside of Hudson, WI. It is not a park surrounded by neighborhoods or filled with cabins. When night falls out here it is very, very dark.At the entrance there will be snacks and drinks (hot and cold) available for purchase, both before you enter, and after. There will also be a public bonfire after. Provided there is an after.You will walk a half mile on a dirt path in the late autumn, so bring warm clothes and comfortable shoes. You may see things that disgust you. You may feel disoriented, stifled, pursued, and preyed upon. Your guide will know the way. You MUST stay with your guide. There are no side-doors or escape routes — once you have entered Dreadwood, the only way out is through. - Oct 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 28-29 (Fri and Sat) 7:30 - 10:30pm $16 13 and older From Saint Paul, take Inter State 94 East into Wisconsin, go to exit 4Turn left onto 12 NorthFollow 12 North for 2 miles to stop lights, continue going straight on Country Road U, road turns into County Road A North. (do NOT make a left onto County Road A South)Stay on County Road A going North for about 4 miles to a stop sign. (County Road E)Turn right onto County Road E (Note: about 1000 feet after turning on to County Road E youmust turn right again to stay on County Road E)Continue on County Road E for 1/2 mile, watch for Dreadwood™ sign on rightTake right on Dreadwood™ driveway. Driveway is about 1/2 mile long though the woods.Do not drive above 10mph Please!Follow Dreadwood™ signs to registration areahttp://maps.google.com/maps?q=splat+tag&hl=en&ei=CeD2StmTKKWWNYDAyfkP&sll=44.994401,-92.632706&sspn=0.099273,0.021572&ie=UTF8&view=map&f=d&daddr=835+County+Road+E,+Hudson,+WI&geocode=CfQFdNzsr2-hFfUwrwId5ol6-g&ll=45.035765,-92.632602&spn=0.006295,0.008908&source=embed
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