
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

The Number 1 Haunted Attraction in Massachusetts on in 2018, DementedFX features 20,000 square feet of GIANT MONSTERS, HOLLYWOOD QUALITY SETS and PROPS, surrounded by HAIR RAISING SOUND DESIGN, and INTERACTIVE VIDEO that's sure to send you home with no voice...
…and possibly needing a new pair of jeans.
Bio Med Corp Haunted House portrays one cohesive storyline, "an immoral medical laboratory, ravaged by its own experiments, has let loose a virus that is turning the world into monsters and ghouls. You need to break into the lab and rescue the scientist who has the cure to save all humanity." The indoor waiting area encompasses you in the apocalypse while featuring a VIP LOUNGE and TWO BARS stocked with enough beer and wine to keep the party going from dusk till dawn. *Beer and wine sales subject to current Massachusetts regulations and are unfortunately not available to be sold at this time. If you need to drink please prepare yourself before you come. Sorry for the inconvenience.
In the years after the outbreak, BioMedCorp has formed its own military, the BMC Mobile Infantry. Victims will join the civilian tactical recruitment program and be sent on their first mission. The sensory experience uses enhanced audio design, video, animatronics, lighting effects, and simulated movement to send the new recruits on a 4D adventure into the zombie wasteland.


Ticket Information

(VIP Tickets allow you to skip the line and chill out in our VIP Lounge with a drink until your group is ready to head into the walkthrough. VIP Tickets also allow you to have smaller groups than GA tickets.)
(The MEAT Tank is a simulation experience.)

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