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About Us
The Curtis Inn's motto is "Every Modern Comfort, Every Ancient Charm."
Unlike other historic buildings, this building that has always been an inn/public house since 1754, has never been allowed to become an expensive fixer upper opportunity, as it has been passed down through families with strong ties to the community, and who have been truly motivated to run a successful business.
The original 2 story building was constructed in 1734, by Rev Anthony Stoddard, originally built to be a family home. At some point, his grandson, little Anthony Stoddard, opened The Orenaug Inn. Guests stayed in rooms on the first floor, while the second floor was their version of an event center, called the ballroom. In 1754, the grandson changed the name of this "public house", to The Curtis House Inn. During the next 200 years, 4 unrelated Curtis families lived at one time or another in this house.
Throughout the years, renovations and additions were made to the original 2 floor structure, to better met the needs of The Curtis House Inn and its guests. Sometime in the 1800s, the ballroom space on the second floor was renovated into more guest rooms, due to popular demand. In 1900, because of the possibility of new clientele, due to the soon-to-be available trolly service, Levi Curtis stepped forward in courage, investing a whopping 400 dollars to raise The Curtis House Inn's roof, and create 8 new rooms on a third floor.
It is not surprising, then that it was Levi Curtis who came up with The Curtis House Inn's motto: "Every Modern Comfort, Every Ancient Charm." Levi Curtis set the example of keeping The Curtis House Inn's historic charm, while adding modern amenities, depending on what the guest's budget was for a room, attracting a wider percentage of the market.
Today in 2012, The Curtis House Inn has 14 rooms on the second and third floor of the main house, and 4 more rooms available in the old carriage house. Eight rooms in the main house come with a private bath, cable TV, air conditioning and a phone, with antiques and canopy beds. In the 6 other rooms, that are priced for the guest on a budget, still have canopy beds, the antiques, and cable TV, but share a common bath, and have no phone or air conditioning. The Carriage House rooms are moderately priced, and meet the needs very well of larger groups of people, including: weddings, reunions, and family events.
The dining/event areas, common rooms and kitchen, etc. are all on the first floor. An inviting, warm Pub Room; Cafe City Hall, is located in the Inn's lower level, that was built in 1954.
In 1954, Mr. Sterling Dunn wanted to retire, so he sold this historic property to the Stella Hardisty, and her son, Chester. Members of the Hardisty and Brennan families have been owners of this historic inn ever since.
People who die unexpectedly from an accident, an illness or from war, sometimes chose to protect their home/people living in it, not letting death get in the way.
The brother-in-law of the 2005 owner was killed in Iraq, while serving in the Army.
People who die before getting to fully enjoy their earthly winnings or possessions, sometimes either ignore the fact that they are dead, and continue on, or sulk, regretting their death.
Curtis House Inn owner, Lucius Foot (1852-1857) died under suspicious circumstances, after winning a handsome sum at a large stakes poker game at his Curtis House Inn. After winning the game, for some unknown reason, Lucius left and took a short cut through the church cemetery, with his new winnings. He was later found, dead and frozen in the church's work barn, minus his jack pot winnings.
Sometimes people cannot let go of their prized possessions, and their spirits attach to this item in their life that meant so much to them, when they pass out of this world, into the next one.
Through a Stoddard relative, The Curtis House Inn received a painting of Anthony Stoddard, which was the catalyst for activity when it was hung in the foyer.
Sometimes people become over-invested emotionally in their property, and don't want to leave when they pass on to the other side.
Several past owners, who loved The Curtis House Inn, have made their presences known to the living. They have been known to "help" and supervise the present staff, or express their opinion on changes in the building.
People who love their job, and have been loyal employees, sometimes like to spend their afterlife in a place where they loved to work, continuing on in their beloved job.
A female entity is very busy still serving guests in Room 16.
A male entity still is doing his favorite activities.
All of the entities that make their home here loved The Curtis House Inn while they were alive.
The Attic
Investigators have had their hair tugged.
The unseen presence of a former slave has been sensed. Orbs have been caught on film. A clear EVP was recorded.
People who stay in room 5 have heard voices and someone walking.
A young female entity, known as Sally, hangs out on the second floor, and especially likes Room 16:
Female guests have had the covers moved or pulled off them. One guest was shoved out of bed.
Male guests sometimes receive special attention; she tucks them into bed, fuses with their covers, and even will crawl into bed with them.
Room 23 - Guests have felt an unseen presence standing watch over them.
Entities of past owners have been known to "help" the present staff, or express their opinion on changes in the building.
A strong female entity in the dining room: Described as being matronly.
When a young female employee began to feel overwhelmed from a catered event, she felt a calming, reassuring presence of a female entity who likes to supervise such events, offering emotional support to the frazzled living.
After a big dinner event, a psychic medium who was a guest at the dinner, told the owner that the matronly female spirit presence was very pleased with how the dinner went in the dining room.
Male entity dressed in 17th-18th century attire:
It is thought that this entity is a former owner. This male entity was very upset when the pub was constructed, doing his best to annoy and bother the workmen hired to build it. It was felt that he didn't want any new changes to the building.
Male Entity - described as being an elegant confederate gentleman
His apparition has been seen in the Pub Room. He became active after the pub was opened.
His spirit is thought to stay in the liquor closet to enjoy some privacy.
Entity of Anthony Stoddard (grandson) - Was either already supervising at The Curtis House Inn, and jumped into his picture when it was hung in the foyer, or his spirit came with his portrait painting given the inn by a descendant.
This painting of Anthony seemed to be watching and supervising the employees, perhaps not too happy with what he saw, having high standards, or perhaps he came across a bit too strong, in his efforts to help the owners by being a supervisor of the staff. Employees felt very uncomfortable, feeling his unseen but strong presence radiating from the eyes of the painting. After many complaints, the owner moved the painting to the dining room, giving the painting one whole wall to itself. Employees no longer felt over-supervised, and paranormal activity thought to come from the painting has lessened. Everyone seemed happier!
Room 1 -Perhaps Room 1 has two spirits in it!
Entity of Lucius Foot - While alive, Lucius perhaps used Room 1 as his innkeeper's quarters.
The entity of an elegant confederate gentleman, mentioned above - also apparently stayed in Room 1
After guests had settled down for the night in Room one, a male apparition, thought to be Lucius, would come stomping into the room, take off his boots, and proclaim, "I've had a rough ride."
Some sources though, attribute the loud boot thumping, and disembodied voice proclamation to the elegant confederate gentleman entity.
An unseen presence was felt as a strong unseen force, that sort of bowled over a guest as this presence entered the room.
A psychic was laying in bed in Room 1, when a male entity, whom she said was Lucius, entered the room, dropped his boots, and then crawled in bed with her, and she moved over for him, being understanding.
Entity of Joe, former employee of The Hardisty family - Died in 1985. He was the dishwasher, and helped with the chores.
The apparition of Joe has been seen eating his usual plate of potatoes by staff members in the basement, just like he did while he was alive. The description given by the wide-eye employees, matched the picture of Joe.
Male Entity - brother-in-law of Owner; 2005 -
His unseen, protective presence has been felt in The Curtis House Inn, and has been in the dreams of grieving family members, trying to comfort them. His picture with his silver star hang in a prominent place.
Famed psychic medium Lorraine Warren has stayed at The Curtis House Inn many times and has said that it has spirits. She points to the attic and the second floor as very active places.
Donna Kent and her Cosmic Society Investigation Team have investigated The Curtis House Inn. They had both personal experiences, and caught some hard evidence on camera and EVP recorders. She describes some of the hard evidence that was caught in her book, Ghost Stories and Legends of Southwestern Ct.
Paranormal Research Groups had personal experiences that happened when a camera wasn't there to record it, or after the batteries in the camera were drained. An investigator spending the night in room 23, and she awoke after about an hour to feel the covers being pulled down, and then felt an unseen presence join her in bed!
Most Probably So! Though a bit camera shy, these entities continue to enjoy their favorite earthly dwelling, The Curtis House Inn, developing relationships with those who seek them on the staff and with the owners as well. The owner as of December 2011, TJ Hardisty-Brennan and the staff share their ghost stories with the online source, DanburyPatch.
Many guests, paranormal investigators, staff members and owners have had personal experiences, and there has been some hard evidence captured as well. While having more hard evidence would be nice to have to back up the many personal experiences, the owners are very careful who they allow in their inn, for an investigation, because they don't want to upset the resident spirits.
Curtis House Inn does offer special haunting events. Please call or visit our website to find more updated information.
203-263-2101 or http://www.curtishouseinn.com/ - The Curtis House Inn is conveniently located at 506 Main Street South, Woodbury, CT – 40 miles from Hartford, 25 miles from New Haven, 30 miles from Bridgeport, 22 miles from Danbury, 10 miles from Waterbury, and approximately 80 miles from NYC.
If driving from New York, take highways which feed into Interstate 84, getting off at the Woodbury Exit 15 in the town of Southbury, CT, then taking Route 6 into Woodbury. From Hartford and points North, take I-84 to Exit 17 and Route 64 into Woodbury.
Mailing Address:
The Curtis House Inn
506 Main Street South
Woodbury, CT 06798
506 Main Street South, Woodbury, Connecticut, 06798
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