
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

Creepy Hollow's Fright Nights offer an unparalleled and underrated experience that stands out among the best in the province. This distinctive haunted destination seamlessly combines the eerie ambiance of a haunted house with the immersive setting of a campsite, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that is sure to send shivers down your spine.

As you venture through the park, you'll encounter spooky houses adorned with chilling details, adding an extra layer of fright to your exploration. But Creepy Hollow is not just about scares; it's also a social hub for those seeking an unforgettable Halloween-themed summer camp experience for adults. Engage in movie nights under the shadow of the moon, where horror classics come to life on the big screen, or join fellow guests in thrilling games that heighten the suspense.

For those hesitant to spend the night surrounded by the eerie ambiance, Creepy Hollow welcomes day visitors who can still enjoy the spine-tingling attractions and activities without the commitment to an overnight stay. Whether you choose to test your courage for a few hours or immerse yourself in the full Fright Nights experience, Creepy Hollow promises a uniquely creepy adventure that lingers in your memory long after the night concludes. Get ready to embrace the darkness and uncover the secrets hidden within the shadows at Creepy Hollow – where Fright Nights redefine the boundaries of fear and fun.

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