
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

Step into the heart of fear at Bloodrush Forest of Terror, one of Omaha's most spine-chilling haunted attractions. Nestled in the eerie Elkhorn area, this collection of haunted houses includes THE BONEYARD, BUTCHER'S HOOK, Big PIGGY'S BBQ, and Carny Chaos, each promising to send shivers down your spine.

Located just 20 minutes west of downtown Omaha, Bloodrush offers an unparalleled experience across 4 ACRES OF forest, unleashing over a mile of pure terror upon brave souls who dare to enter. The thrill-seekers can elevate their frightful journey with a VIP Haunted Party Bus, ensuring a memorable and bone-chilling adventure.

As the night descends, visitors can gather around the FIRE PIT, exchanging nervous laughter and tales of their haunting encounters. With every step through the twisted paths of the forest, expect the unexpected as the darkness conceals the lurking horrors that await.

For those with a taste for the macabre, Bloodrush opens its doors for special events throughout the year, including the dreadfully delightful A Very Scary Christmas at Hillside House of Hell. During limited days in December, the holiday season takes a terrifying turn, bringing festive frights to those seeking a unique and chilling celebration.

Discover the best and scariest haunted houses in Nebraska at, where fear becomes an unforgettable experience, and nightmares come to life at Bloodrush Forest of Terror.



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Ticket Information

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