
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

THE HOUSE OF NIGHTMARES: The fully interactive maze of terror is the largest of its kind in New Jersey. Movie-like props, bone-shuddering special effects, monsters galore haunt every step you take. Crazies inhabit every room, every corridor, every corner. And they don't take kindly to trespassers. You will be punished! Journey through blood-smeared scenes of hideous carnage, creatures attacking from above and below, one shock after another keeping you on edge - a harrowing extravaganza guaranteed to get your heart racing. Yet the show has only just begun. Your evening of chills and thrills is far from over.
THE ATTIC: A labyrinthine attraction packed with even more monsters, ghouls, demons, and psychos. The clown room -a fan favorite- sets a terrifying tone, daring visitors to journey farther into the unknown. Stalking visitors as they roam the eerie halls, tormenters lurk everywhere, jumping out from hidden crevices, from anywhere they can get at you. Then come face to face with creatures from popular horror movies, beasts and brutes from your most disturbing nightmares. Go deeper and deeper into the darkness, immersing yourself in an unforgettable Halloween experience. Certain to shatter your nerves are skin-crawling bugs, grotesque corpses, startling noises, mysterious walls, and numerous high-intensity scares. Horrors beyond comprehension, beyond description, await you. Get your tickets now!


Ticket Information

Price includes both attractions: The House of Nightmares & The Attic

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