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About Us
Temecula Terror is the Inland Empire’s newest haunted attraction. Guests will pay a visit to a forgotten stop on the Butterfield Stage Route, just outside of Temecula proper. There sits a small town hosting its first-ever Halloween Harvest Carnival, but once you make it past the festive fanfare, you will discover that the town itself is really the haunted attraction! The town residents welcome you to Otis Hatcher’s twisted Halloween home at 301 Hyde Street, a brush with the spirit world beyond the veil at the town Crypt cemetery, and finally a perilous peek into the halls of Butterfield Asylum.
3 Terrifying Mazes
Plus a giant scare zone! Can you make it out alive?
Hyde Street Haunted House
Notorious social pariah Otis Hatcher, loved Halloween... perhaps a little too much. Each year, he adorned his shabby home with a large collection of Halloween decorations, hoping to turn his dark and dusty dwelling into the most decorated home on the block. With the MUST-STOP home on every trick-or-treater’s map, he might finally feel accepted by the town he had lived in since birth. But when a new Halloween Harvest Carnival made its first visit to his small town, upstaged his homemade decor and usurped his self-proclaimed Town King of Halloween title, he snapped. The web of delusions that held together his fragile fantasy of acceptance by his small-town finally disintegrated, leaving Otis unhinged on his most beloved holiday. To seek his twisted revenge on a town enthralled with a new Halloween attraction, Otis indulged the darkest corners of his mind, luring trick or treaters coming to collect candy into a deadly trap. Knock on his door, but don’t ask for a treat, he’ll only trick you into a gruesome game of cat-and-mouse.
Butterfield Asylum
The Temecula sun is famous for ripening the grapevines to level of perfection seen in only a handful of regions across the globe, but the desert sun in this place we call home also once had a dark side, melting the sanity of those poor souls who toiled endlessly to build the railroad through our golden state. In the mid-1800s Temecula hosted a mail stop on the national Butterfield Stage route, bringing messages from home to the brave pioneers forging life in the California wilderness, while prisoners and convicts forged the railroad that would eventually replace the Butterfield Stage route. These outcasts of society endured hard labor from sun-up to sun-down, and their bodies weren’t the only victims of the sun’s tireless gaze, their minds were lost, eaten away by the excruciating heat, leaving nothing but their most primal deviant inclinations behind. These Maniacs call Butterfield Asylum home - will you be the next patient?
The Crypt
Every small town has a cemetery, but not every cemetery has a catacomb as haunted as this one. Brave souls who lurk through the graveyard after nightfall, venturing beyond the shadows and headstones, deep into the damp twists and turns of the forgotten catacombs are certain to lose their way in the darkness; but what will be found there is a terrifying brush with a tormented and beckoning afterlife.
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