Package 1All 5 attractions 1 Great Value!(parental supervision recommended)Extreme Nightmares Haunted HouseThe Famous Haunted HayrideThe Haunted BarnBlood Slingers SaloonMonster Vision in 3-D$30.00 for ages 11 & above$17.00 for ages 10 & underPackage 2- The Basic Haunted Hayride Package-(MILD scares)Monster Vision in 3-DThe Famous Haunted HayrideThe Haunted Barn$25.00 for guests 11 & older$17.00 for guests 10 & underPackage 3Haunted House only Package$25.00 ages 11 & above(not recommended for children 10 & under)Extreme NightmaresBlood Slingers SaloonMonster Vision in 3-DFront of the line access skip all lines and waitingSpeed Pass / VIP PassVIP Pass comes with a VIP Badge and front of the line access to all attractions$45.00 for ages 11 and older$35.00 for ages 10 & underCASH PreferredCash and credit cards accepted at ticket boothOther: food concessions, fair food, pumpkins, farm market & souvenir shop. Open to public. No reservations necessary. Group packages and rates available for group of 25 people or more booked ahead of time.
19066 East River Rd, Columbia Station, Ohio, 44028
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