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There are two versions of the haunted house: a scary version and a not-so-scary version for children and timid adults. The crew can switch between each version pretty quickly, so let them know which one you want to go into when you arrive.
Enter through the hallway through moving portraits on the wall. A cold shudder trickles down your spine. Glancing around nervously, a monstrous voice seemingly penetrates your very being. Through the darkness you believe you see eerie shadows on the walls. As you walk forward, you can't help but feel that someone is following you. Wait... is that coffin lid rising?? You move along, then , you turn the corner and see a crib. What is happening? The voice in your head says 'Turn Back!' , yet you push on.
You enter a long dark hallway and you just know something horrible is about to happen. "Should I turn around?" . Fear settles in and deep down you know you're not alone in the dark. Something sweeps against your ankles. You turn, but there is nothing. Nothing you can see, that is. Ahead, you cannot see around that corner yet you know there is something lurking there. "Wait... did I tell my family I loved them before my fate is decided around that bend?" Well, here goes....
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