
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

Welcome to Heebie Jeebies Manitoba, where the thrills are endless and the scares are aplenty! Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience like no other with our array of attractions designed to send shivers down your spine and keep you on the edge of your seat.

Embark on a journey through our five heart-pounding mazes, each offering a unique challenge and spine-chilling surprises at every turn. Whether you're navigating through twisted corridors or braving the unknown in our all-new maze, "The Hollows," prepare to encounter over 125 terrifying characters lurking in the shadows, ready to give you the Heebie Jeebies!

But the fun doesn't stop there. Refuel at one of our four food trucks offering delicious treats to satisfy your hunger. Take a break from the screams and capture memories at our multiple photo ops, including the Zombie Scooby Crew, Monster Hand, Zombie Attack, and Zombie Brains scenes.

Feeling competitive? Test your skills at our carnival games, featuring all-new additions like Zombie Zombie Cornhole and Zombieball, where the undead meet classic fair fun. And for those brave souls who dare to venture into the Scare Zone, be prepared for an extra dose of terror.

As the night winds down, cozy up by our bonfires with a complimentary cup of hot chocolate, the perfect way to warm up after a chilling adventure. And on select nights, be dazzled by spectacular fireworks lighting up the sky, adding an explosive finale to your Heebie Jeebies experience.

With unlimited maze re-entry on offer and surprises lurking around every corner, Heebie Jeebies Manitoba promises an unforgettable night of frights and delights. Join us for all-new thrills and spine-tingling surprises in 2023, where the scares are bigger, the screams are louder, and the fun never ends!

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