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Haunted Forest at A Maze in Corn

Welcome to the Haunted Forest at A Maze in Corn, where thrills and chills await adventurers of all ages! Step into a world where the air is thick with excitement and anticipation, but fear not, for this haunted trail is designed to be more fun than frightful.

As you venture into the Haunted Forest, you'll find yourself surrounded by towering trees and mysterious shadows, setting the perfect eerie atmosphere for your adventure. But beware, for lurking among the foliage are playful spirits and mischievous creatures, ready to surprise and delight visitors as they wind their way through the twisted paths.

Unlike traditional haunted attractions that might leave younger guests trembling, the Haunted Forest at A Maze in Corn strikes the perfect balance between spooky and spirited, ensuring a thrilling experience without being too intense. It's the ideal choice for families seeking a Halloween adventure that's suitable for children of all ages.

After braving the Haunted Forest, be sure to explore the main attraction – the corn maze! Get lost in the towering stalks as you navigate your way through intricate pathways and hidden surprises. It's a classic autumn activity that promises endless fun for everyone.

And for those looking for a break from the excitement, don't miss the chance to visit the petting zoo. Meet adorable animals up close, from fluffy rabbits to gentle goats, and enjoy some downtime amidst the bustling festivities.

So gather your friends and family, and make your way to the Haunted Forest at A Maze in Corn for an unforgettable Halloween experience that's equal parts spooky and spectacular!


Visit the Haunted Fore

Ticket Information


  • 1351 Provincial Road 200, St. Germain South, Manitoba R5A 1G1, Canada

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