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About Us
Within the depths of the forest, lies the agony of a thousand souls. In the early 1800's people, from the surrounding areas of Rockwell and Gold Hill, reported the towns went quiet as some eerie presence had taken hold. Several months passed with this feeling lingering as if something wasn't right.
September 1st of the year 1808, a group of settlers ventured into the town of Rockwell. Some were spotted at the town grocery picking up supplies to build with. A strange fellow was reported in the local bar with an odd accent, talking about magical creatures from a far land. While another, was telling the locals of his delicious stew recipes. This was rather strange, but nothing unusual happened until the 7th night when they packed up at mid-dawn and disappeared into the woods. Reports started coming in of demented noises, that echoed throughout the countryside. One by one, the townsmen started to go missing.
The towns started to send in search parties but after the fifth day no one had returned; the searches were stopped. Hearing about this phenomenon, penitentiaries as far as West Virginia started sending their worst criminals to the forest to relocate to make room in the prisons. The wardens gave the prisoners an ultimatum to move and clear out the lands for homes. If they achieve this goal, they become free men. Til this day, no one has seen or heard of these men.
As curiosity killed the cat, most people have a desire to know the unknown that overwhelm them. To this day intrigued souls venture out into the woods looking for answers. Many enter but few return with their lives or sanity in tact.
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