
Due to constant changes to location(s) hours, days and availability, please check the location website or contact via phone prior to planning a visit.

About Us

Welcome to the spooktacular Chumlee Park Halloween Festival—a thrilling celebration where chills and thrills converge for a hauntingly good time! Prepare for a night of enchanting festivities that will send shivers down your spine and laughter echoing through the moonlit air.

Embark on an eerie adventure with our Unlimited Haunted Hay Rides, where every twist and turn promises a bone-chilling surprise. For our younger ghouls and goblins, the Kid's Haunted Fun House awaits, filled with age-appropriate scares and playful spooks. Don't forget to tiptoe through the Spooky Cemetery, where the spirits of Halloween past come to life in an otherworldly display.

But fear not, little ones! The frights are balanced with delights at the Bouncy Houses—a realm of inflatable joy that will have the kids bouncing with excitement. For those seeking a more grounded experience, Animal Fun offers a chance to interact with furry and feathered friends, bringing a touch of warmth to the Halloween chill.

Gather 'round the Campfires to share ghost stories and tales of the supernatural, fostering a sense of community amidst the spooky surroundings. And when hunger strikes, indulge in a selection of delectable Snacks & Drinks (not included in admission), ensuring that your energy levels remain high for the night's adventures.

Chumlee Park Halloween Festival is not just an event—it's a magical blend of frights, delights, and memories waiting to be made. So, come one, come all, and join us for a hauntingly delightful celebration under the moonlit sky!

5159 W CR-48
Bushnell, Fl 33513

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